domingo, 27 de julio de 2014

El Ego y la mente analítica.

Nota realizada por el Prof. Jorge Olguín.

Sabemos que el ego es el fruto de la mente reactiva, pero este queda agazapado como un enemigo oculto, aún cuando la persona está analítica.
No voy a hablar en esta nota sobre los efectos de la mente reactiva, puesto que quiero analizar al ego en toda su magnitud, incluso cuando la mente se halla totalmente

El rol de los engramas es hacer de la persona un ser totalmente autómata, incapaz de analizar algo.
Es el impulso instintivo el que lleva el timón.

Pero cuando los engramas son clarificados y la persona está limpia de ellos, acecha otro enemigo que no permite al espíritu elevarse: el protagonismo.

Aun no teniendo engramas, la persona tiene complejos de culpa, es susceptible, posee baja autoestima, se cree superior, cuestiona todo, se ofende, trata de imponer sus ideas, no permite una opinión distinta de la suya, se vuelve hipócrita, llega a ser depresiva, puede estar eufórica, o introvertida.

Y hay muchos más estados de protagonismo o roles que puede desempeñar una misma persona, incluso estando analítica, sin engramas.
Esos roles de protagonismo están dados por el ego, la fuente de todo lastre espiritual. El ego también general dramas de control, buscando (para dominar) crear complejos de culpa
en los demás mediante roles de víctima.

Por otro lado, es obvio que cualquier persona libre de engramas y con un ego ingobernable, es fácil que vuelva a estar reactiva. Y así el campo está fértil para que se implanten nuevos engramas.

Los efectos nocivos del ego pueden ser erradicados con la técnica de Psicointegración. (1)

Reitero que no voy a hablar de los efectos posteriores de la mente reactiva. Sí voy a decir que donde el ego se halla integrado no tienen cabida los engramas.

Sé que es muy difícil integrar el ego pero, por lo menos, hay que tratar de lograr que el porcentaje que queda buscando roles o generando dramas de control, sea el menor posible.

miércoles, 23 de julio de 2014

El Ego y la mente reactiva.

Nota realizada por el Prof. Jorge Olguín.  
Ya había dicho que el ego es el fruto de la mente reactiva, pero también comenté que éste queda agazapado como un enemigo oculto, aún cuando la persona está analítica. 
Sabemos que el rol de los engramas, otro de los frutos de la mente reactiva, es hacer de la persona que los posee, un ser totalmente autómata, incapaz de analizar algo, puesto
que el impulso instintivo lleva el timón.
También dije que cuando los engramas son clarificados y la persona está limpia de ellos, acecha otro enemigo que no permite al espíritu elevarse: el protagonismo.

El profesor Carlos Azagra define al Ego de esta manera:
"El Ego es un elemento hábil, sagaz, rebuscado, muy  inteligente, experto en el arte de las representaciones, en el teatro de la convivencia humana.

Es el mejor "actor" creado por la evolución. 
Posee una imaginación frondosa y puede interpretar el rol del ser más desdichado de la Tierra con la misma firmeza y convicción con que minutos más tarde representará al más feliz"
El protagonismo es la cara externa del ego, que busca subsistir a toda costa, creando mecanismos de defensa: 
1) Se apega a los roles, pero no a las ideas. De esa manera, no se aferra a los afectos. Pero, por otro lado, hace que la persona sufra de trastornos obsesivos.
2) Los conflictos producidos por los engramas, como la ansiedad, los condicionamientos, la baja estima y los impulsos que son reprimidos, el ego los transforma en síntomas somáticos que afectan el sistema nervioso. Esta es otra de las facetas del rol de víctima.
3) Desplaza las emociones originales para no debilitarse y las transfiere de la persona original a otro sustituto más aceptable. Este comportamiento, la psicología freudiana lo toma como fobia.
4) A veces, la mente reactiva, obliga al sujeto a adoptar actitudes concretas, ideas y afectos opuestos a los que tiene.
5) El ego logra que la persona se identifique con sujetos como si fueran un espejo, adoptando patrones individuales que imitan a los de otro individuo admirado.
6) Lo que la persona rechaza en uno mismo, lo que no termina de aceptar en su propio ser, lo rechaza inconscientemente y lo atribuye a otros seres de su entorno. 
La psicología freudiana lo denomina Proyección y explica así que los propios anhelos, deseos o temores, son desplazados hacia otras personas.
7) Otro de los mecanismos de defensa hace que las personas a las que el sujeto ama, odia o teme, sean
incorporadas simbólicamente dentro del ego y así éste asume el rol de esas personas.
Es lo opuesto de la Proyección.
8) La persona se niega a reconocer factores que pueden llegar a perturbarla.
9) La persona justifica conductas que censuraría en otros.
10) A veces el sujeto retorna a patrones más infantiles de pensamiento para evadir simbólicamente un entorno hostil.
11) Toda crítica la puede tomar como agresión y modifica su conducta de modo que hasta puede alterarse de forma considerable.

sábado, 19 de julio de 2014

Engrams and ego.

Psychointegration Session


By Jorge Raul Olguin.

First part:

In most of the cases in the various branches of Scientology and Dianetics, since in Central America and in part of South America they have separated many traditional branches of Scientology issued by Ron Hubbard in the mid-twentieth century. I do not mean that the new Scientology is inaccurate or accurate because it is not in me to judge which one is the best or which one is the worst. It would be unethical to say that. I do want to make clear that I have personally met people OT 3 perfectly clear, and yet they fall into dramas of control and the explanation is that they still have their roles of ego not integrated.

The roles of ego are not treated by Dianetics and Scientology and they are not covered in the Lacanian and Freudian psychologies either. Freudian and Lacanian psychologies speak of the ID, the ego and the superego. The famous ID is the child who asks, the one who demands, the ego is the one who moderates, but sometimes yields unbeknownst to everyone. It grants to the ID and all that the ID demands. And then there is the superego which is the censor, the one who prosecutes. I always explained that the ID, the ego and the superego from the Freudian psychology are different roles of ego.

Let’s start with a practical example about the ego that demands. A person who has lung problems and says no, no, no, I speak figuratively, the ego says he should not smoke because It’s injurious to health, even more if the person has problems with the lungs. And the ID says this: “Come on! Please, one more cigarette is not going to harm you. Go on smoke.” Then the ego gives in to the desire of the ID and lights a cigarette and smokes. Once the desire of smoking is satisfied, the superego, which is the censor, creates guilt complexes: “Have you seen what you've done? Look at the rebuke that I have to give you, you're a lost cause...” Let’s not say that there are three people who talk to each another, everything is in the mind of a single person. The ID demands, the ego says no, no, no, I do have to care of myself, but in the end it yields to the temptation. Once the act is consummated the superego, the one who criticizes, says: “Look at what you have done, you have given in, you are not reliable.” All of them are roles of ego that somehow create a kind of competition in the mind of the person who is dominated by those roles of ego.

Then, many times I wondered, when I first began to investigate about the roles of ego, why so many beings who apparently were clear, they had no engrams, continued to behave in a manner not consistent with the state of being clear that they claimed to be in control of. Well, it was because of these roles of ego. The roles of ego that manipulated that person.

Subsequently, investigating about the spiritual planes, about which many people do not believe yet, I noticed that there was a second type of engrams which were known as the conceptual engrams that were recorded only in the conceptual plane of the spirit. And although the 10% embodied had these cellular engrams cleared up, the 90%, the spiritual part that was in the respective spiritual plane, could transmit these engrams from past lives and even reactivate the engrams of this life. Let’s say that it was a never-ending story. Then, I realized that the only way to put an end to all of this problems was to perform, “major surgery.”

Second part:

We had said that a person, who had all his engrams cleared up in the physical plane, somehow falls back into a state of depression even being cleared up, and that it was a never-ending story.

Among the roles of ego that the person had and conceptual engrams of his/her higher-self or thetan; that person was always rising, falling, rising, falling until a certain point, as I said it was important to perform major surgery. What does major surgery mean? Psichoauditing the higher-self or thetan. In the same way that a person was audited in Dianetics, in the same way the spirit was audited. Auditing the spiritual part or the 90% not only the conceptual engrams were eradicated, but simultaneously the physical engrams were eradicated as well.

Why many people fall apart again? Not only because of the roles of ego, but also due to various reasons, because the reactive mind is not eliminated. The fruits of the reactive mind are the ones that are eradicated. But the reactive mind can keep on creating new engrams or reactivating old engrams. The engrams are deactivated, not eliminated. Sometimes we say that the engram is eradicated because the language is poor, and because we misuse the language, we say that the engram is eliminated. The engram is deactivated, but any problem can activate the engram again.

A while ago I said that a person who is free from cellular engrams, free from conceptual engrams and has his spiritual part and his ego integrated, but it doesn’t mean that he goes free around the world without having in his character destructive emotions. That person can have destructive emotions, the issue has to do with being aware, and the issue is to be alert. Once a patient told me: “Yes, but being alert all the time is exhausting.” I said yes, at the beginning, then you get used to it, you get used to it like breathing. You breathe automatically, your heart beats automatically... Well, at some point you're automatically alert. It has happened to me and I am the example of it because I'm teaching this technique, I've seen many things that have annoyed me because being clear does not mean that one becomes like a robot, one still has emotions, one still has feelings. There will be pleasant things and things that will be very unpleasant. And there will be things so unpleasant that you will feel how the adrenaline chokes you up, then. Even if you are clear and if you have no conceptual and cellular engrams, although the roles of ego have been controlled, you cannot avoid feeling in your stomach that little boost of emotion.

What is the difference then? That being in an automatic alert, not being aware of what one does, but being in an automatic alert is when one modifies the situation. At the moment that the adrenaline goes up one is capable to handle the situation. The issue is not to be prey to the impulses, but being capable to take control of the impulses. Let’s say that one is controlling the helm. Controlling the helm doesn’t mean that we spend all day long with our hands on the wheel, but getting used that our actions are guided by our spirits, and not being prey to our actions. It's that simple.

To understand it better, which conceptually wouldn’t have to be repeated, but the language is poor, then one has to repeat the concept to understand it better, throughout our lives, we will always be among antagonistic people, we will be surrounded with destructive criticism that reaches our ears, and the secret is not to react in an inconsistent manner. The secret is to face the facts in a coherent way. In front of the destructive criticism we can debate if that criticism can be debated. On the other hand, if we see that there is a wall of blindness or close-mindedness where no debate is allowed, we can directly ignore this criticism because we would stoop at the level of the one who is criticizing us without valid arguments.

I believe in healthy criticism, I believe that healthy criticism throughout my life has helped me to correct a hundred things. However, I don’t believe in destructive criticism, the famous line: “I do not know what this is all about, but I am against it.” I humbly believe that healthy criticism is positive for a good debate, and we all can learn from a good debate. I do not believe in the dialogue of the deaf where everyone talks at once and nobody listens.

Returning to the original topic, although dianetic auditing is an excellent technique to gradually modify our altered behaviors due to these engrams, these hypnotic implants that are recorded at the cellular level unconsciously, it’s not enough. A second technique is required, which is known as superphysicalauditing of the higher self or spirit non-incarnated, which is called Psychoauditing. Both are important, it’s not enough with only one. And the third thing is to try to eradicate definitely the roles of ego that manipulate us.

Finally, to complete this short session, it does not mean that when we have the ego integrated nothing will affect us anymore. Things will keep on affecting us as any other mortal being, as we say here on the planet Earth. Any emotional problem or feeling will still affect us being on the physical plane. The difference will be in how we react in front of those difficulties. The difference will be in how our abstract thinking, how our analytical mind will overcome over the impulses of the reactive mind. That is the real secret.

We know that a bad impulse can bring down an entire analytical work made on weeks or months. It's like the painter who creates an excellent painting and suddenly in an outburst of rage, because something did not like him, he destroys the whole painting. That is irrational; it has nothing to do with the analytical thinking. And all the irrational thought comes from the reactive mind that although it was necessary for the primitive man, it’s unnecessary now.

If I had to give a final brushstroke on the subject I would say that the reactive mind and its fruit, the automatic reactive mind, may be slightly necessary as for a healthy stress, the stress that keeps you predisposed to face every day. Well, that automatic reactive mind can save your life when you hear a claxon and immediately you react instinctively jumping onto the sidewalk because a car can run over you. This is an automatic alert. So far I would say that this automatic reactive mind is useful only for that.

At this moment we are “civilized beings” now I use quotation marks because I have my doubts, we have to deal with the analytical mind. The mind that allows us abstract thought, the mind that allows us to debate and enjoy the service to the other, the mind that allows us to share, which is the most beautiful thing we have.

So repeating from the beginning, it is not enough only a treatment for engramic auditing to solve all the problems that the person may have. It’s necessary to bolster the situation with psychoauditing because the higher-self or thetan can retransmit to its embodied being engrams from past lives. And many times I had many patients who woke up with a great distress, with a lump in their throats feeling that they want to cry, sobbing, and looking over the previous days they think: “How strange I felt this anxiety because I'm good at my job, I have no health problems, at least no major problems, I'm fine with my partner, my friends hold me back, I’m also restrained, I'm fairly happy. I don’t have everything I want, but little by little I'm getting things, and to me that is more than enough.” Then where does this morning heartache come from? When the patient asks me about it, obviously that it has nothing to do with his present life, it's from a past life. And even the greatest skeptic couldn’t deny it.

Obviously, I’m not talking about myself, I'm talking about a patient who has no problem at sight, a psychologist would say: “Well, maybe this was some unconscious alert recorded in his childhood, and blah blah blah,” all that dissertation they usually say. It may be true, I don’t rule it out. However, what happens if I make a recall with dianetic auditing, eliminating all those hostile acts, which theoretically were implanted and yet the person still has this anxiety? What’s the source of this problem? Then, those who do not believe in the afterlife and what they cannot touch, see, hear, feel or smell... it’s true that there is something beyond our senses, which is somehow oppressing us. Well, that can be reversed perfectly, it can be reversed.

All I'm saying, to end this short session, are two things. One, no technique has the magic wand, no technique heals instantly. Everything takes its time to process. Two, about the service, once the person reverses all his/her ‘problems’ it’s not mandatory that he/she has to do it in order to conquer the kingdom. That is very childish. I think that service has to come from us, not by obligation, but directly by choice, and not like the sword of Damocles over the head thinking: Oh, if I don’t do this work, well tomorrow something wrong will happen to my life! No, no, no, because that's what I've talked to other patients very advanced and I have explained to them that we are not competing with each other, not even against ourselves. If there is someone patient is God. Then God gives us all the time in the world so that we advance to higher planes. Let's not play that competition. Let’s act every day, but living as if it were the last day although it’s not the last. If you said that this is the last day, Would you still hug your brother? Just hug your brother. If you said it's the last day, Would you be with the best mood in the world? Stay with the best mood in the world. That's the secret. Do not leave things for tomorrow. Do you have to reconcile with that person you thought you'd offended? Call him! Do not leave it for tomorrow. It's nothing more than that; it’s nothing simpler than that. It's so simple, so simple that many people asked me Was that everything? Yes, that was it. The thing is that you had a blindfold on your eyes.

jueves, 17 de julio de 2014

El ego y sus roles.

El Ego y sus roles

Nota recopilada por el Prof. Jorge Olguín.


A la inmensa mayoría de las personas no les (nos) interesa "lo que es", sino "cómo se ven" o, qué calidad de imagen proyecta. Les interesa la imagen más que la objetividad. Y así, el hombre de la sociedad se lanza a participar en esa carrera de las apariencias, en el típico afán de 'quién engaña a quién', de cómo lograr mejor impresión. El mundo es un inmenso estadio en el que "el orgullo de la vida" juega un gran ''match'' de las etiquetas, formas sociales y exhibiciones económicas para competir por la imagen social, un combate en el que a los seres humanos no les interesa ser, sino parecer.


El Espíritu siempre ha sido esquivo. Hemos sido esquivos (as) al Espíritu: "eso son cosas de locos", dicen los materialistas. El Ser - o Espíritu -, nos sostiene a todos, es nuestra fuente de aliento y vida y, sin embargo, es algo sobre lo cual nuestros padres nos enseñaron muy poco. Juan nos dice: "Ya estaba en el mundo, este mundo que no lo reconoció. Vino a su propia casa y los suyos no lo recibieron".

Una antigua escritura de la India nos dice sobre el Espíritu, lo siguiente: " Un cuchillo no Lo puede cortar, el agua no Lo puede mojar, el Viento no Lo puede alejar, el sol no Lo puede secar".

Cada molécula del universo esta llena de Ser; cada pensamiento, cada trozo de información que nos llega a través de los cinco sentidos no es otra cosa que Ser. Pero podemos pasar por alto al Ser porque este mantiene un silencio total, como un maestro coreógrafo que nunca participa en la danza. En verdad, El siempre existió y existirá. Sólo necesitamos apertura para estar "en espíritu" o, inspirados.


Así como hay dos polos en un imán, uno positivo y uno negativo; las personas también cargamos con dos personajes en disputa; uno de ellos es el que se afana por el éxito material y el otro que aspira a elevarse espiritualmente. La descripción brindada por Sogyal Rinpoche en la obra "El libro tibetano del vivir y del morir" explica a las mil maravillas este descubrimiento: "Dos personas han estado viviendo en ti durante toda tu existencia. Una es el ego: charlatana, exigente, histérica, calculadora; la otra es el ser espiritual oculto, cuya queda y sabia voz has oído y atendido sólo en raras ocasiones".


La pequeña palabra "ego" ha tenido varios significados. Para la escuela freudiana es "el aspecto consciente de la psique que decide entre los instintos básicos del ello y la moralidad del superyo":
Definición muy académica. El estereotipo de este modelo suele ser varón. La persona con "problema de ego" se considera que es jactanciosa, egoísta, desdeñosa, vanidosa y, por lo general, desagradable, o también, la persona dedicada al odio, la malicia y la destrucción. También se ha considerado al ego como algo que está dentro de nosotros, controlando nuestra vida cotidiana, presionándonos para que mostremos una "buena imagen".

Atención: Se puede ser altruísta y bondadoso para mostrarse ante los demás... y eso también es ego.

Para los fines que nos proponemos, sugerimos otra definición del "ego": "Consideremos al ego como la idea que cada uno de nosotros tiene de sí mismo. Es decir, que el ego no constituye mas que una idea, una ilusión, pero una ilusión que ejerce gran influencia". Nadie ha visto al ego. Se trata más bien de un fantasma que aceptamos que controle nuestra vida. El problema es que mantener esta ilusión puede impedirle conocer su verdadero yo, su esencia espiritual.

Opinamos que el ego es una disposición del pensamiento errónea que intenta presentarle como a usted le gustaría ser, en lugar de cómo es en realidad.
En esencia, el ego, la idea de uno mismo, la máscara, el papel que estamos desempeñando; supone una forma distorsionada de afirmar y vivir la existencia. A esta máscara social (el ego) le gusta la aprobación, quiere controlar situaciones y personas, y se apoya en el poder porque vive en el temor.


Las siguientes sugerencias le ayudarán a ponerse en contacto con el ego y superarlo:

* Intente conocer su ego y determinar cuando su ego influye y domina su vida. Pregúntese: ¿Estoy escuchando a mi falso yo o a mi yo espiritual?.
A medida que vaya adquiriendo conciencia de su ego, podrá librarse del egocentrismo y entrar en la conciencia superior.

* Comience a llevar la cuenta de con cuánta frecuencia usa el pronombre "yo". Al no centrarse en su propia persona estará superando el ego.

* Comience a considerar su ego como una entidad que le acompaña y que tiene un propósito. Es invisible y siempre está a su lado.
Trata de convercerlo de que usted está separado de Dios, de su superioridad respecto de otros, y de que es "especial". El quiere que usted se sienta ultrajado cuando recibe un trato incorrecto, cuando lo insultan, cuando no lo acarician; ofendido cuando no sale con la tuya, herido cuando pierde en una competición. Primero conoce a esta entidad. Luego se percata de que está obrando en usted. Por último, se libre de ella.

* Escuche a los demás y no se centre en sí mismo. Durante las conversaciones, concéntrese en lo que la otra persona está diciendo y en lo que siente. Luego responda con una frase que empiece por "tú, usted". Esto se denomina escucha activa. Es una manera de contener el ego y permitir que participe el yo espiritual.

* Resista el hábito de permitir que el ego domine su vida.
Cuanto más se resista a permitir que su ego sea quien controle su vida, más pronto llenará el espacio que antes ocupaban las exigencias de su falso yo.

* Practique la meditación diaria o el acallar su mente para deshacer la ilusión de que está separado del universo y que todas las almas son extensiones de la energía de Dios. Comenzará a tratar a los demás como le agradaría que lo tratasen a usted. Se sentirá conectado con todo y con todos.

* Trate de borrar de su mente la palabra "especial". Especial implica mejor que, o más importante que. Niega que Dios habita en cada uno de nosotros. Todos somos especiales a los ojos de Dios: por lo tanto, nadie necesita la etiqueta de "especial". No hay favoritos. No se relega a nadie.
Todos somos Uno.

* Escriba un diario. Trate de describir en que le beneficia sentirse ofendido. Lo que lo ofende es obra de su ego. No pretenda que el mundo debería ser como usted es y no como en realidad es.

* Dé más de sí mismo y pida menos a cambio. León Tolstoy, pasó de ser un egocéntrico a ser un servidor de Dios, luego de aprender muchas lecciones y pasar por tribulaciones. Y escribió lo siguiente: "El único significado de la vía es servir a la humanidad". Sea quien acaricie. Sea quien da cariño.

* Recuérdese cada día que el más alto culto que puede rendísele a Dios es servir a la humanidad, y que mediante ese acto su yo espiritual se sentirá realizado.

* Ponga fin a la búsqueda externa de la libertad y conozca el sabor de la auténtica libertad que es la comunión con su yo espiritual.
La auténtica libertad no necesita nada para demostrar su existencia. Sólo siendo auténticamente libre podrá amar, porque no existe amor sin libertad. La falsa libertad exige que tenga a la mano algo que dé fe de su existencia.

miércoles, 16 de julio de 2014

El Ego y sus efectos sobre la persona.

Enumera un buen número de roles del ego y sus efectos sobre la persona.
Todos los roles del ego la manipulan -de alguna manera- impidiéndola
relacionarse libremente consigo misma y con el entorno. Los roles del ego
pueden, hoy día, ser integrados, desactivados, con la técnica de

Jorge Raúl Olguín: Muchos tienen una noción reducida o parcial de lo que es
el ego. Cuando hablan de una persona que tiene ego se imaginan alguien
pedante, alguien que está subido a un pedestal. Y sí, esos son unos de los
roles del ego. Otro rol del ego puede ser la baja estima o una persona que
tiene temor a comunicarse o que no se atreve ir a una reunión porque piensa
qué dirán de cómo está vestida.

El ego también tiene que ver con la baja estima. El ego tiene que ver con
decenas y decenas de roles.

El ego es absolutamente manipulador, en lugar de dirigir tú tus acciones,
es tu ego quién las dirige.

El ego se basa en impulsos y el ego luego recrimina esos impulsos
haciéndote sentir culpable.

El ego busca la aprobación de los demás, el ego vive pendiente de la
opinión del otro, el ego necesita. Por eso hay amores egoicos, amores donde
tú dices: -Por favor, ven, te extraño, te preciso, te necesito, ‘te’...
siempre en función de lo que uno quiere, no lo que el otro quiere.
Necesitamos; el ego necesita.

El ego vive de apariencias y es uno de los grandes manipuladores. El ego se
ofende, el ego monta en cólera, el ego es susceptible, el ego prejuzga
pero, por sobre todas las cosas, te hace sentir mal. Y por suerte eso se
puede modificar.

Vivo estudiando el tema del ego desde hace más de dos décadas,
profundizando mucho, estudiando conductas, entendiendo, comprendiendo y
aprendiendo cada día más. Gracias a ello ideé en 1.997 la técnica de
psicointegración, que integra los roles del ego, porque el ego no se
destruye, el ego nunca se destruye, el ego no se erradica, a diferencia de
los engramas que sí se erradican. El ego se integra.

Pero el ego está al acecho y, a la menor debilidad, al menor síntoma de
debilidad, el ego puede asomar nuevamente. Por eso debemos estar alerta. La
técnica de psicointegración no sólo desactiva esos roles sino que permite
que la persona esté atenta a que no vuelvan a resurgir.

Sabemos que el ego es un fruto de la mente reactiva, al igual que los
engramas. Los engramas son implantes hipnóticos que nos vienen
condicionando y que pueden ser de esta vida o de vidas pasadas. Pero el ego
que es a lo que me refiero ahora- es un lastre para nuestro crecimiento
tanto espiritual como en la vida cotidiana porque no te permite ser feliz
porque no eres tú, es tu ego el que va delante y como está –de alguna
manera- absorbiendo, abrevando de la mente reactiva se maneja en base a
impulsos, a diferencia de la mente analítica que razona, que piensa antes
de actuar.

El ego tiene miles de facetas: por momentos te hace sentir con aires de
superioridad, por momentos te hace sentir una cosa pequeñita, por momentos
es como que te vuelcas a querer lograr cosas para compensar esa falta, esa
soledad porque el ego, a veces, es como que te aísla de las cosas. Pero eso
se soluciona para que la persona pueda desenvolverse, sea absolutamente
normal, ser feliz porque la felicidad -y eso ya lo he dicho varias veces-
no es una meta, la felicidad es gozar el mientras tanto, la felicidad es
gozar la búsqueda. El ego no te permite gozar la búsqueda porque nunca se
satisface. Ése es el error: el ego es un eterno insatisfecho, es un eterno
reprimido y, a la vez, es un eterno prejuicioso. O sea, que tiene facetas
contradictorias que se chocan entre sí. Pero insisto: eso se puede revertir

Toda la Luz. Hasta todo momento.

lunes, 7 de julio de 2014

Roles of ego. Part II



The following suggestions will help YOU to contact ego and overcome it:

* Try to know your ego and determine when your ego influences and dominates your life. Ask yourself: Am I listening to my false me or to my spiritual me? As you go acquiring conscience of your ego, you will be able to get rid of self-centeredness and enter in a higher conscience.

* Start counting the frequency you use the pronoun " I " if you are not centered in your own person, you will be overcoming your ego.

* Start considering your ego like an entity that accompanies you and it has a purpose. It is invisible and it is always at your side.

It is trying to convince you that you are separated from God, of your superiority to others, and that you are "special." Ego wants you to feel insulted when you receive an incorrect treatment, when they insult you, when they don't caress you; offended when you don’t get what you want, hurt when you lose in a competition. First acknowledge this entity. Then notice how it is working on you. Lastly, you will be free of it.

* Listen to the others and do not focus always in yourself. During the conversations, concentrate on what the other person is saying and what the other person feels. Then respond with a sentence that starts with "You" This is called active listening. It is a way to hold back ego and allow that your spiritual self participates.

* Resist the habit of allowing that ego controls your life.

The more you refuse to allow that your ego controls your life, the sooner you will fill the space that was occupied by the demands of your false self.

* Practice daily meditation or silence your mind to undo the illusion that you are separated from the universe and that all the souls are extensions of the energy of God. You will start treating others as you would like to be treated. You will feel connected with everything and everybody.

* Try to erase from your mind the word "special". Special implies “better than”, or “more important than”. It denies that God inhabits in each one of us. We all are special to the eyes of God; therefore, nobody needs to be labeled as "special”. There are no favorites. Nobody is relegated.

We all are One.

* Write a diary. Try to describe what benefits you receive when your feel offended. Everything that offends is a work of your ego. Do not pretend that the world should be as you are and not how it really is.

* Give more from yourself and request less in exchange. Leon Tolstoy, passed from being an egotistical being to be a servant of God, after learning many lessons and going through tribulations. And he wrote the following thing: "The sole meaning of life is to serve humanity." Be the one who caresses. Be the one who gives affection.

* Remember every day that the highest cult that one can give to God is to serve humanity, and by means of that act your spiritual self will be complete.

* Put an end to the external search of freedom and know the taste of authentic freedom, which is the communion with your spiritual self.

The authentic freedom doesn't need anything to demonstrate its existence. Only being genuinely free will you be able to love, because love doesn't exist without freedom. The false freedom demands that you have at hand something that gives faith to your existence.

martes, 1 de julio de 2014

Roles of ego.

By Prof. Jorge R. Olguin.


Most of the people are not interested in "how they are", but in "how they look like" or, what image of themselves they are projecting (appearance). People are more interested on the image more than objectivity. And then the man of society and those who belong to that society participate in that competition of appearances, in the typical desire to see “who deceives the other”, and how they can give a better impression. The world is an immense stadium in which "the pride of life" plays a great match of labels, social ways and economic exhibitions to compete for the social image, a combat in which human beings don’t care on how they are, but rather on how they look like.


The Spirit has always been avoidant. We have been avoidant to the Spirit. Materialists say: "that is a crazy thing". The being or spirit sustains us all, it is our source of strength and life, however, it is something our parents taught us very little about. John tells us: “He was already in the world, this world didn't recognize him. He came to his own house and his relatives didn't receive him." An old writing of India tells us about the Spirit the following thing: " A knife cannot cut It, the water cannot wet It, the Wind cannot move it away and the sun cannot dry it"

Each molecule of the universe is full one of existence; each thought, each piece of information that we receive through our five senses is not another thing than existence. But we can overlook it because it keeps a total silence, like a choreography teacher that never participates in the dance. Truly, he always existed and it will exist. We only need an opening to be "in spirit" or inspired.


As well as there are two poles in a magneto, one positive and one negative; people also have to cope with two characters in dispute; one of them is the one that makes the effort to succeed materially and the other one aspires to raise spiritually. The description given by SogyalRinpoche in the work "The Tibetan book of living and dying" explains the thousand marvels of this discovery: "Two people have been living in you during all your lifetime. One is ego: talkative, demanding, hysterical, scheming; the other one is the spiritual being, hidden, whose wise and low voice you have heard and only paid attention in strange occasions."


The small word "ego" has had several meanings. For the Freudian school it is "the unconscious aspect aware of the psyche that decides between the basic instincts of “id” and the morality of the “superego.”

Very academic definition. This model's stereotype is usually a male. The person with problems of ego is considered thaRolest he/she is boastful, selfish, scornful, conceited and, in general, unpleasant, or also, the person devoted to hatred, malice and destruction. Ego has also been considered like something which is inside of us, controlling our daily life, pressing us so that we show a "good image."

Attention: You can be altruistic and kind just to appear nice before others... and that is also ego.

For the purpose we follow, we suggest another definition of "ego": Let’s "consider ego like the idea that each one of us has about ourselves. That is to say that ego doesn't constitute but an idea, an illusion, but an illusion that exerts great influence." Nobody has seen ego. It is rather a ghost that we accept and controls our life. The problem is that keeping this illusion can prevent us to know our true self, our spiritual essence.

We say that ego is a disposition of erroneous thinking that tries to present you as you would like to be, instead of how you really are. In essence, ego, the idea of oneself, the mask, the role that we are playing; supposes a distorted way to affirm and live our existence. This social mask (ego) loves the approval, it wants to control situations and people, and it relies on power because it lives in fear.

Next time: