viernes, 6 de junio de 2014

The ego and its effects on the person.

It lists a number of roles of the ego and its effects on the person. The roles of ego
may now be integrated, deactivated, with the technique of

Many have a reduced or partial notion of what is the ego. When they talk about a person who has ego, everybody thinks of a pedantic person, someone on a pedestal.

And yes, these are some of the roles of ego. Another role of the ego may be a low self-esteem or a person who is afraid to communicate or do not dare go to a meeting because she thinks of what others will comment how she is dressed.

The ego also has to do with the low esteem. The ego has to do with dozens of roles.

The ego is absolutely manipulator, instead of you directing your actions, your ego is who directs.

The ego relies on impulses and ego then criticizes those impulses making you feel guilty.

The ego seeks the approval of others, the ego lives pending the opinion of the others, the ego always needs. So there egoic loves, loves where
You say, 'Please come, I miss you, I need, I need you,' you '... always depending on what you want, not what the other wants.
We need; the ego needs.

The ego lives of appearances and is one of the great manipulators. The ego is offended, the ego gets angry, ego is susceptible, ego prejudge you, but, above all, makes you feel bad. Luckily you can modify that.